
Invocation of Goddesses

(Chant for 2 or so minutes,
or until you feel the Goddesses are with you.)

Healing Pentacle

Cast a Circle. Draw a Pentacle in the smoke of the incense. “Capture” the drawing in your dominant hand, and breathe a Healing Breath 3-8 times. “Blow” the drawing onto the thing or person to be healed. It is suggested, but not necessary to chant the following while doing the Healing Breath.

With this breath I heal.
With good intentions at heart.

Healing Breath

While Chanting, place dominant hand on injury and recessive hand on the Earth (or your chest if you aren’t near any Earth). Do a basic breath, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Breathing with the stomach, instead of the shoulders, and making sure to be in a relatively meditative or calmed state.

Great Earth Mother I Call To Thee To Protect & Heal Me As The Trees Grow Green!

Pentagrams, Ways To Draw Them

INVOKING PENTAGRAM-Draw from the top centre point, and go down on the left side. Continue as normally.
BANISHING PENTAGRAM-Draw from the bottom left point up to the centre. Continue as normally.


From beneath me arises the energy of the Earth, my home and my foundation.
From above me pours down the light of the Sun and the enchanting Moon.
To my right hand flows the strength to control and direct, the power of magic.
To my left hand comes the skill to divine and to heal, the source of blessing.
Before me arises the perfected one I strive to become, my magical true self.
Behind me falls the one I was, and with it my discarded failures.
Around me circle the eternal stars, lamps of wisdom in the deeps of space.
Within me grows the flame of life, the light of experience and understanding.
(Say this before meditation or performing small magick.)

Cleansing Your Tea

While taking out the teabag, thank the Goddess and God for giving you a delicious drink to nourish your body.

While filling the kettle, take some water upon your finger tips, and ask the god to bless it. On one side of the teabag, mark a pentagram, and say “This is the symbol of my passion. Let this tea be used for magickal purposes.” Get more water, and ask the goddess to bless it. Flip the teabag over and say “This is the symbol of my Goddess, may she cleanse this tea of all negative energies.” Put the kettle on the burner. Wave your hands around the kettle thrice, and say “May this water be cleansed, so no negative energies can enter my body to harm me. Let any who drink of this water without mine permission be punished. They did not make this drink, it is not for them. This water is to be used to nourish and heal my body for magickal purposes, and to heal and nourish any whom I say can drink.”

Do the following to acknowledge the 5 elements, and thank them.
“Wind, coming from the East, I thank you for taking the negativity from the steam of the water. Hail, and welcome!”
“Fire, coming from the South, I thank you for heating this water, and letting the impurities flow into the steam. Hail, and welcome!”
“Water, coming from the West, I thank you for letting me make a drink of sweet tea, to nourish, heal, and cleanse my body. Hail, and welcome!”
“Earth, coming from the North, I thank you for letting your abundant leaves of tea be picked to nourish, cleanse, and heal my body. Hail, and welcome!”
“Spirit, coming from Within and Without, I thank you for keeping me strong and healthy, and letting me live as a creature of this Earth. Hail, and welcome!”

By this time, the water should be boiling. Before you pour the water into the cup, say “As this water is pure, and this tea is pure, I combine them to make a drink to nourish, heal, and cleanse my body, and those who are invited to drink. May this drink be clean.” Pour the water into the cup, and purify and bless any other ingredients. When your lips are at the rim, say “Thank you God and Goddess, as well as the five elements. Leave if you must, stay if you will.”

Casting A Circle

Call Quarters/Gods and Goddesses,
purify and bless salt and water,
combine and say “Salt be Pure, Water be Pure, Pure unto Pure, To Cleanse!”
Asperge area “I CLEANSE THEE!"
Purify and bless lighting item (lighter/match) and incense,
light incense and say “Fire be Pure, Air be Pure, Pure unto Pure, To Bless!”
Asperge area ”I BLESS THEE!”
Sit and meditate,
inhale the aroma of the incense and salt around you.
When your mind is clear,
visualise a bright white orb surrounding your area,
followed by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
Your circle is cast.

My Version of the Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan law ye must,
In perfect love, and perfect trust.
Live ye must, and let to live,
Fairly take, and fairly give.
Mind the 3-fold law ye should,
3 times bad, 3 times good.
These eight words the Rede fulfill,
An’ it harm none, do what ye will!

Book Blessing

In the name of Magick this book shall reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what's inside.
If breath be to Air as passion is to Fire,
Let harm come to none, this is my desire.
If Life be to Earth as Water to emotions,
this book be filled with Magickal potions.
May the god's protect it, keep it from harm
And upon it bestow power, magick and charm.
No one without wisdom shall peer at its pages,
Or the knowledge inside it handed down through the ages.
This book be it mine, it harbors no fears,
the knowledge obtained through blood, sweat and tears.
My magick's my passion, the spirits my guide,
This book may She bless it with spiritual light.
And let only Her children read of its rite.
For those of the Wicca, truly can see,
That this is my will, so mote it be!


My Book of Shadows

This is the online combination of my Book of Shadows/Grimoirie(Spells and Rituals), Book of Dream Tides(Dream Recordings), Book of Mirrors(Reflections), and my Book of Moons, Horns, and Hearts(Gods, Goddesses, Candles, Scents, Supply Shops, Correspondences, etc.) because I am currently in the "Broom Closet" to my mom, and can't afford for her to find my real ones.

I guess you should learn a little about me. I am a solitary (usually solitary, but I sometimes do work with my friend Shelby if I am not strong enough for something) Eclectic Wiccan, and have been for roughly a year. I always wear my moon necklace, that won't stay in "Maiden" phase(it always flips over to crone)...grr...but I am very proud about what I am, except to my mother, who is a christian...grr. I am bisexual if it matters at all(haha my mom thinks im gay), and I am 13 years of age. I am very mature for my age, and hope that if you are reading this, you are mature as well.

Just to let you know, DO NOT steal any of my spells/rituals. You can adapt them to suit your needs, but when i write a spell, I put a blessing/curse (however you want to view it) on my parchment-or in this case webpage, so that anyone that uses my exact spell will get negativity showered upon them UNLESS THEY ASK!!!


By the way, I am a generally nice person, and I get along with most people. That doesn't mean that I don't get pissed off though. When I am mad, you will know, depending on what I post.

Have fun reading, AND REMEMBER TO ASK!!!

Blessed Be